

older lyrics的相關標籤

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關於older lyrics的評價, 萬芳 One-Fang

。。。要活得無怨無悔:上了年紀的人,通常不會因做過的事後悔;卻常因在年輕時,未曾去做自己想做的事而遺憾,只有心懷悔恨的人,會恐懼死亡。。。。 其實這不是第一次看到類似的故事。但因為人太健忘。所以...

Leaving, this song, is a song that I wrote for my mother when she was ill. As I am the only child. I took the news hard, and realised how dependent I was on my mother, and how much family truly means. Although it sounds like a sad love song, the lyrics in fact detail the struggles of younger generations. • While we hope to make our parents proud and unburden them as they grow older. It’s hard to imagine a world in which we don’t have their support. 「leaving in 4 days」

Leaving, this song, is a song that I wrote for my ...

FRONTLINE FIGHTERS TRIBUTE ORIGINAL SONG: “WE WILL WIN” A few weeks ago, I texted my friend Sanyee about how heartbroken I was after speaking to my family members and their stories on the front lines in the hospitals. #covid19 It was scary, dark(metaphorically), weary, desperate, with just a glimpse of light and some even counting their days, as they don’t know if they could walk out of this alive. I don’t know what I could do but really wanted to do something for them. So Sanyee and I, we wanted: To pain into words and alchemize it into strength. To transform it into optimism. To fortify it into hope. ~~~~~~~~~~Here it goes~~~~~~~~ We Will Win. Music and vocals by: Simon Twu Lyrics by: Sanyee Yuan and Simon Twu FULL LYRICS This is for the people, for our heroes Doctors, Nurses Fighting this war. This is for the people, who swore an oath To save our lives, through the hardest nights We Will Win, We Will Win! The Sun Will Shine, after the Rain, We Will Win, We Will Win! We’ll stand up and rise together again! Despair, it grows, Numbers and tolls But you put on your brave face, Refuse to lose Faith Burden on your shoulder, makes you a little older But you give us hope, more than you know We Will Win, We Will Win! The Sun Will Shine, after the Rain, We Will Win, We Will Win! We’ll stand up and rise together again! We Will Win, We Will Win! The Sun Will Shine, after the Rain, We Will Win, We Will Win! We’ll stand up and rise together again! This is for the people, for our heroes Fighting the battle, while the supplies are low This is for the people, putting their lives in front of ours, So we could, feel safe at home. So we could feel safe at home. So we could feel safe at home! #frontlinefighters #coronavirus #tribute #creatinginthetimeofcorona #creatinginquarantine #quarantinelife #asianamerican #asianartists #hospital #beds #health #supplies #community #love #family #unity #strength #mask #safety #givingback #life #hope #ellendegeneres #nohate #teamwork #socialdistancing #doingourpart HAPPY AAPI MONTH ♥️ 戰必勝~一首抗疫的原創曲 獻給所有前線的抗議英雄! 祝大家健健康康,平平安安! #英雄 #抗疫 #新冠肺炎 #新冠狀病毒 #加油